Console.log like a pro!
We have a lot a tools to debug our applications but the most beloved is with no doubt using console.log, something like this:
if (isOdd) {
console.log("is odd!");
We can format the output in a table for instace using the console.table
methods, like so:
const me = {
name: "Eduardo",
lastName: "Ortega",
favLanguage: "C#",
│ (index) │ Values │
│ name │ 'Eduardo' │
│ lastName │ 'Ortega' │
│ favLanguage │ 'C#' │
We have also the count method which basically counts how many times that line of code has been called, perfect if you want to count how many times a method is called:
const hoorayGenerator = (name) => {
console.count("Hoorays count");
return `Hooray for ${name}`;
Hoorays count: 1
Hoorays count: 2
Hoorays count: 3
You can add an assertion and be sure that that line is only being logged if a specific condition is false:
const IsThisTheRealLife = (isRealLife) => {
console.assert(isRealLife, "It is just fantasy");
Assertion failed: It is just fantasy
And many more, you have the full documentation at MDN
Bonus for web developers, you can style the output of our beloved console.log:
console.log("%cWHAT!?!", "font-family:arial;color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:20px");
Happy coding!